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Fargo B.A.N.D. Bluegrass Jam

The Edgewood Vista 4420 37th Avenue South, Fargo, ND, United States

Join us at the Edgewood Vista Assisted Living Center in Fargo, ND Acoustic bluegrass instruments only. 2:30- 4:30pm

Annual B.A.N.D. Gathering

Gladstone Inn and Suites 111 2nd St NE, Jamestown, ND, United States

This is a yearly gathering of the Bluegrass Association members to come together for a fun time of jamming, singing, learning. Meal is included and a meeting afterward. Let us […]

33rd Annual Missouri River Bluegrass Festival

Cross Ranch State Park 1403 River Rd, Center, ND, United States

This annual festival is held at the beautiful Cross Ranch State Park. Up to five bluegrass bands play for a day and a half. "Learn a Bluegrass Song" free workshop […]