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Bismarck Open Bluegrass B.A.N.D. Jam

ND Heritage Center 612 East Boulevard, Bismarck, ND, United States

Bismarck bluegrass jam being held this month at the Heritage Center and State Museum. Acoustic bluegrass instruments only.

Fargo Monthly Bluegrass B.A.N.D. Jam

The Edgewood Vista 4420 37th Avenue South, Fargo, ND, United States

Come jam at Edgewood Vista Assisted Living held every third Sunday of the month. Acoustic bluegrass instruments only.

Sons of Norway Bluegrass Jam

Troll Wood Lounge 722 2nd Ave N, Fargo, ND, United States

Every first and third Tuesday of the Month at the Troll Lounge in Fargo

Valley City B.A.N.D. Bluegrass Jam

The Vault Coffee Shop 233 Central Ave N, Valley City, ND, United States

Bluegrass Jam at The Vault Coffee Shop on 223 Central Ave in Valley City. All players that love bluegrass music are welcome! Acoustic bluegrass instruments only 1-5 pm. Beginners Bluegrass […]

Swing Barrel Old Time and Bluegrass Jam

Swing Barrel Brewery LLC 814 Center Ave, Moor

For those who love the old-time songs. Bring your fiddle! Join on Facebook. Every second Monday of the month.

Fargo B.A.N.D. Bluegrass Jam

Monthly jam every third30 Sunday of the month. 2;30- 5:00 pm at Edgewood Vista. Acoustic bluegrass instruments only. Probable tunes are Rocky Top-G, Little Maggie-G, Donwn Yonder,-G, Catfish Blues-D, Lonesome […]

Sons of Norway Bluegrass Jam

Troll Wood Lounge 722 2nd Ave N, Fargo, ND, United States

Come play bluegrass music at the Trollwood Lounge every first and third Tuesday evening. Acoustic bluegrass instruments only.

Fargo B.A.N.D. Bluegrass Jam

The Edgewood Vista 4420 37th Avenue South, Fargo, ND, United States

Join in at a bluegrass Jam at Edgewood Vista Assisted Living Center in Fargo, ND. Acoustic bluegrass instruments only.